Q: What is Chance?

A: It is a dice game that you play with friends, family and anyone that enjoys good competition.

Q: How do you play?

A: Read the Rules of the Game HERE.

Q: How many people are needed to play?

A: From 2 to 7 players

Q: What is the objective?

A: To be the first player to earn 5,000 points.

Q: What is “cashing out”?

A: When a player is rolling the dice, each time they roll, they are taking a risk. When they “cash out” it means they are taking their current points and passing the dice to the next player. Some players like to live dangerously and they will not cash out early. Others play very conservatively and like to post small increments of points on the board and slowly build to a win. When a player cashes out is dictated by their level of risk they will accept.

Q: What if I really love this game and want to get super competitive with it?

A: Then you are one of our favorite people. Stay tuned to the Chance Channel and be ready for the First Annual Chance Chalice Tournament in Las Vegas, NV in 2025!

Q: Can I custom brand Chance and share with co-workers and family members?

A: Absolutely! We love the game so much, we want everyone to take ownership of it. Find out more HERE about customizations.


All players start with 5 dice and must roll a 5, 1 or triple of any number (three of the same dice) to count as a score.  Each roll is required to have at least one scoring dice, in order to proceed with your turn. Only when you CASH OUT will your points be posted to the scoreboard. CHANCE means you are willing to risk all and want to build more to your score or risk loseing it all. Rolls of 2,3,4,6 count for nothing unless rolled as 3 together, on the same roll.

5’s = 50 pts
1’s = 100 pts
Triples of any # = # x 100
Quadruples of any # = # x 100 x 2
5 of a kind = # x 100 x 2 x 2 and you are automatically eligible to continue rolling

Players play to 5000.
Each player rolls 5 dice and has the chance to roll all 5 or build from another players “cashed out” points. This typically is received as less than 5 dice.  You can make the decision to take a chance on building from previous players points or starting over and rolling all 5 dice.

Once a player has reached or surpassed 5000 pts the game goes for one final round for all players to be given the chance to “beat” the final score.  It can be achieved either from building from another’s “Cashed out” score or from generic rolls but must exceed the first score that scored exactly or breached 5000 points.

Dice that fall off the table are gone, disqualified, never to be counted on one’s score.  Period. Bye bye. You may count the ones still on the table, if they count for anything (1, 5 or triple dice).  This dice is considered dead and does not “revive” if you cash out and pass the dice.  Only the # of dice still alive on that active score can be used.  You choose to take a “Chance” or start fresh and new with all 5 dice.

When you cash out, your score will be counted.  If you choose to take a CHANCE you risk all points if you do not roll a 1, 5 or triple.

Triples MUST be rolled together.  If the # is rolled again after the triple, it does not count on the score. Rolling anything but a 1 or 5 loses your turn and all the points you had earned.  Every other number is worthless.

